I can’t say it enough. I love, love, LOVE Italian genealogy.
Every time I get that new microfilm of records I thank anyone who will listen
that my maternal grandmother’s maiden name is Primavera. When a marriage packet
gets you not 1 or 2 generations but four who wouldn’t be ecstatic? Due to one
marriage from 1844 I was able to trace back one line of my family to 1706. If
you are doing Italian Genealogy and dealing with the Civil Registration records
from 1809-1900 I hope you are checking the processetti records (if available)
for the marriages.
In terms of what records are available:
- Births for Bride and Groom
- If the father of the bride or groom is deceased proof of his death
- If the father of the father is deceased proof of his death (This is only if the father is deceased)
- I haven’t dealt with a second marriage but I imagine you would at least get the death of the earlier spouse
- I have also randomly found copies of mothers death records but not in every case and in the case of the very early marriage records at least the death date of both parents if needed.
I will walk through what I discovered in the 1844 marriage file
of Pietro Savino and Fioralba Iezzi and also two other cases where the records
were vital in finding out information. This will give you an idea on what is
possible to discover.
As a bit of background. My great-grandfather, Oscar Primavera,
was born in a small town in Chieti, Italy called Guardiagrele. His parents were
Antonio Agostino Giuseppe Primavera and Maria Teresa Savino. Antonio died when
Oscar was about 5 years old and the family emigrated to America over the next
few years with the last being “Teresa” with Oscar and Rocco, the two youngest
of her children.
Pietro and Fioralba are the parents of Maria Teresa. They
were older when they married in October 1844. Pietro was 32 and Fioralba 27,
making them older than all but one of Oscar’s paternal grandparents. Neither
had been married before so there were no records pertaining to a previous
Fioralba’s father, Antonio, was still living at the time of
their marriage so the only record available was her birth record. For Pietro I
hit gold though. Pietro’s father, Luigi, died in 1830 so there was a transcript
of his death. Luigi’s father, Filippo, died in 1817 so there was also proof of
his death since Luigi was deceased. A transcript of Pietro’s birth record was
included as well.
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Guardiagrele, Chieti, Italy, vol. 1844 Processetti,
Processetti Number 33 (1844), Death Extract for Filippo Savino in Processetti
for Pietro Savino and Fioralba Iezzi; FHL microfilm 1174786
Filippo Savino was, according to his 1817 death record, the
son of Antonio Savino and Angela Rosica, born about 1755 in Guardiagrele. Well,
Italy did a tax/land assessment called the Catasto di Onciario during the early
1750s. Guardiagrele’s was done in 1753 so it was fairly close to Filippo’s
birth. It was worth a shot to check to see what Savinos were listed. The
Guardiagrele Catasto di Onciaro of 1753 has been transcribed and put online
which is a definite plus. Listed under “foreigners” was the only Savino family
in the town, Antonio Savino and his wife Angela Rosica, with 2 daughters and a
son! The fact that the family was listed as foreigners was just stating that
Antonio Savino was not native to Guardiagrele but to Letto de Palena (actually
Lettopalena.) It does not necessarily mean that your ancestor was not from what
is now Italy it just means they are not native to the town they were residing
in at the time. Antonio being 47 in 1753 makes his birth year approximately
1706! So it opens up a whole new avenue of research.
The second example (see below) includes a death record
pre-1809 written in Latin. This is a record impossible for me to obtain except
for a trip to Italy to scour the handful of churches that are in Guardiagrele.
It is also good to point out that this death record transcription was found in
the marriage files for the grandson of the deceased. I am descended from the
groom’s aunt so doing collateral genealogy is essential in Italian research. There
may be times where the father may not have been deceased when your ancestor was
married but had died when a sibling married later on.
Always get the original of the record but at least it gives
you the death date. Instead of searching through years of death records looking
you can go straight to the original. It may also be the only way to get the
information as the original may be long gone. The transcriptions of the records
are extremely reliable at least with the records I am working with. I have yet to find a mistake in the copying. Not to
say that it doesn't happen.
The third example goes back to Antonio Agostino Giuseppe
Primavera (I just love his name) and Maria Teresa Savino and doing collateral
research as well. It also points out why we should read and transcribe the
entire document. Antonio and Maria Teresa were married 21 May 1891. The records
for that time period do not include the processetti so I was out of luck with that.
I transcribe and translate the entire document and source it into my genealogy
software program and go onto the next document.
Antonio’s sister, Teresa Primavera, filed her Pubblicazioni di
Matrimonio (Banns) with Francescopaolo Zulli on 18 July 1891. Leaving just
short of two months between the two events. The fascinating part of these two
records is the residence of the father. On Antonio’s marriage record their
father, Vincenzo Primavera, was living in Guardiagrele. But when Teresa filed
her banns her father’s residence was Stati Uniti dell’ America (see below).
Vincenzo had gone to America between May and July of 1891!
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Guardiagrele, Chieti, Italy, vol. 1891 Matrimoni, Matrimoni
Number 36 (1891), Marriage Record for Antonio Primavera and Maria Savino; FHL
microfilm 1416255
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Guardiagrele, Chieti, Italy, vol. 1891 Matrimoni, Matrimoni
Number 40 (1891), Marriage Record for Francescopaolo Zulli and Teresa Primavera;
FHL microfilm 1416255
I run over, not too gracefully, to the Castle Garden site
and enter the information I have. 9 June 1891 a Vincenzo Primavera arrived in
the U.S. with a 17 year old Giuseppe Primavera. All the information fits being my
Vincenzo and his son Giuseppe, who I knew emigrated to America. The only issue
is the arrival date being too soon after Antonio’s marriage. It could come down
to them just copying the parent’s information over from the Pubblicazioni di
Matrimonio of Antonio and Maria Teresa. That occurred 21 March 1891 so it seems
more plausible that he left after that date instead of the actual marriage.
I hope this gives someone help with researching their
Italian roots. A tip before I go if you are. When I order the microfilms I save
all records with surnames of families I am researching into an unlinked folder
for that year and I also save the name index. I enter the names from the index
into a spreadsheet that I have for the event and that way I can go back and
look for new names in my research and see if I had run across them before or
Also keep an eye on Family Search because they are putting
these records online. It may keep you from having to order those films.